Thursday, March 31, 2011

Song of Songs- Well... here goes nothing :)

Song of songs. Song of Solomon. Book of love. Book of romance. Book of passion. No matter how you translate this book, it's in the Bible. Someone (that someone being God Almighty) chose to put it in his love letter to you. It must be there for a reason. What is that reason?

I think it's because God wanted us to see what love between a husband and wife should look like. In my Bible (true Images) every book has an intro to it. Here's how my Bible answers the question:

On one level, this song celebrates that God created sex and wants  married couples to enjoy each other. On another deeper level, it pictures the overwhelming love God has for his people- faithful, true, unending, joyous.

I think this is exactly why this is in the Bible! Anyway, the reason I'm writing about this is so I can pick apart part of this book. For the next few posts, I will be (trying to) explain Song of Songs 4:9-15. Hopefully, with a lot of prayer and studying, I will be able to.

Well, time for bed. 'Nite readers!

Black Swan

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Will you be the one?

Welcome to 'I'll Be The One"! This last weekend, I went with a bunch of friends to our Youth Group's Winter Camp. It was amazing! We had a wonderful time. Friday-Monday we got to hang out and talk and play till the wee hours of the morning. It's hard to figure out which part was the most fun, but I DO know which night made the most impact.

Saturday night, after we had come back from tubing on the mountains, we had two special speakers (Brad Henning and Pastor E) Both of their messages were amazing! Brad Henning spoke on Realationships and difference between guys and girls. it was REALLY eye opening! Pastor E taught on changing your generation.

This whole weekend inspired me to begin this blog and start changing the world's view of purity. It only takes one to stand up. Soon other people will begin following your example. After a while, the whole world will changed. Don't you see how this works? One action leads to another, which leads to another, which leads to another, which leads.... It's the ripple effect! It only takes one to drop a little bit of purity on the world, and soon, if you take the stand, the whole world will be standing with you.

Will you be the one? Will you take a stand? Or will you let the enemy take more ground? Take a stand to change the world- one person at a time.

Ready to take the pledge? Comment on this post and follow my blog for more updates.

I will be the one.

Black swan